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Ioannis Lagos – Menalon Social Enterprise

Route: Arcadia

Ioannis Lagos – Menalon Social Enterprise

Given that Ioannis Lagos’s ancestors had lived in Stemnitsa for many generations, he has always tried to find ways to develop the area. Inspired by his passion for hiking, and drawing on his economic studies, he founded Menalon Social Enteprise along with a group of enthusiastic volunteers from the Arcadia region. Together they have created the Menalon Trail, the first trail in Greece certified by the European Ramblers’ Association. They maintain the paths and signposts, and encourage visiting walkers to explore the cultural and natural heritage of the area.

The Trail is incorporated in the prizewinning programme “Greek Paths of Culture” of the ELLINIKI ETAIRIA – Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage. The programme aims to give new life to paths of particular natural beauty and historical importance, all over the country, stimulating local communities with sustainable development to support hiking tourism.

Representatives of the group have helped On Foot to develop its own version of the walk, and also look after On Foot hikers while on the trail.

This route was introduced to On Foot Holidays by Ariana Masselou, who also manages our holiday on the island of Andros:

After many years as a marketing executive in the cinema industry, Ariana’s love of nature made her move to a small village in Andros. In 2011, with some friends with the same approach to life, she decided to form a team that would introduce “alternative” Andros to travelers; each member was to offer services and activities that animate and enrich the mind, body and soul of the visitor! She speaks French and English, worships the God Sun, and lives with 11 cats…..

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